Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Talking about Peaches...

“You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches.”

Social Media has become such a big part of our daily life and more and more frequently I see people being involved and getting aggravated over "internet drama"; I often look from afar and wonder why people (usually younger) worry so much about what others have to say about them; of course we should not live in denial, but more often than not, it's hard to convince people who don't know us on a personal level to like us.
Growing up I was really skinny...REALLY- really skinny; kids at school would make fun of me but that was never a problem, wasn't.  I'm not traumatized by that or scarred for life; I took it lightly and kept going.

The opinion of my real friends was what I always cared about, and up to this day, what counts.  

I always hung out with the 'good girls', the best students-top of the class; school work was always more important to me than petty drama. That decision paid off, those real friends have stuck with me through thick and thin through out the years and most of my friendships are as old as I am...and I'm old! trust me!

People who don't know you will always form their opinions based on what they've heard about you or by the way you looked or acted on a certain day. Unless my CLOSE friends and FAMILY have concerns about my decisions or my mental health or my physical well being -negative things others have to say about me-simply DON'T all.
My skin is as thick as a concrete block when it comes to that.  I simply brush it off with my typical: "meh...who cares?"

“You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches.”

There's always going to be someone forming mislead opinions about you, not matter how much you try, not matter how nice and how beautiful you are, there will always going to be someone throughout your life who won't like you and there's nothing that you can do other than NOT letting that affect you.

Rather than wasting energy and being upset over nasty online comments or silly gossip I choose to use my energy on something positive and productive, such as baking, cuddling with my cat and enjoying time with my real friends and family.

I never lose sleep over nasty comments...those whose opinion I care about- know me, and know who I really am, and that's all that counts.

The other day I posted a picture of my new Ady Cakes location on Facebook, lots of my followers and friends were happy to see me succeed- but then there was the 'Peach Hater', whom I am going to refer as "Vincent" (because that's actually his name-ha!).  "Vincent" went on to write on MY page how I 'so soon' was opening a second location, how I was overcharging "stupid" customers and on and on...I was encouraged by other people to delete the comment, but I decided not too! it's a free world and everybody has the right to say whatever they want, and mostly because "Vincent" was just making a fool of himself in front of my 10,500+ fans. I actually LAUGHED at "Vincent" poor "Vincent" I said before: I eat "Vincents for breakfast"-the older I get the easier I can handle this type of people, they don't intimidate me, they don't scare me...BRING. IT. ON.

People like "Vincent" take time of their day to try to ruin people's happiness, but the thing is: "Vincent" doesn't know why would I be upset about his opinion?

"Vincent" doesn't know I've been in business for SEVEN YEARS, that opening a second locations didn't just happened, he doesn't know I worked 3 jobs for TWELVE YEARS, he doesn't know I work SEVEN DAYS a week...12-15hrs a day!

I have a strong circle of friends whose opinions I value, opinions of all the "Vincents" of the world will always be irrelevant to me, I brush them off, 'water off a duck's back'!

Don't let negativity and drama cloud your day, be a Peach...a juicy Peach.

Much love,


Monday, June 17, 2013

Do Your Thing.

I started this blog a couple of years back thinking it would be a great way to let people in to my world of sugar, and the funny (and sometimes not that funny) 'adventures' I get myself into, little did I know I was about to get into the very strange world of reality TV and most of my normal routines would be part of a distant past.

When people ask me about how was being on Cupcake Wars my answer varies depending on what I remember, you see..a lot of things that happened that day, things I said or things I did I have very little recollection of, it seems like a very strange dream, like a reality inside of a dream...a parallel universe type of experience, if you know what I mean.  
This is the picture that best represents my experience on Cupcake Wars:

Fast forward to today, there are some many great and positive things that came after the show, so many doors have been opened, so many wonderful people I've met. 

I was approached by people I never met, old friends and new friends that wanted to know what I was going to do next, because as you should know, being on national TV does not guarantee you to have a successful career past your 15 minutes of fame. Of course I wanted and still want to take advantage of what came with the exposure, but most importantly I want to stay true to myself, to my business and what it represents.

Yes, I could've opened another store months ago, but expanding a BRAND (not just a business) is more than just popping stores all over, is getting people to know you, it is spending TIME with the people who put you where you are in the first place.

You must know, I am VERY stubborn (maybe ~slightly~ obsessive); when it comes to my business I like to do things MY way, on my own terms, even if it takes a little longer.
I'm a big planner, I like to write lists after lists and go over them 100 times, I don't like surprises...I need to know what's going to happen next, but that's is my own little routine...that's the speed that works for ME.

There are so many things I've learned from the past year and half, one of them and the most important: DO YOUR THING. 

Instead of jumping into a new project, out of excitement, I've taken a step back and observe...I've gotten involved with many different organizations, community events, spend time on intangible projects (not just products) and I've put the second location, not on the back burner but in the slow cooker...It will happen and it IS happening but at a pace I'm comfortable with.
I'm more focused on long term projects, things that will live longer than me. 

When you are in the middle of any life changing event: changing careers, moving into a new city, starting a new relationship...just need to do it YOUR way. You just can't just play by someone else's rules all the time. You need to Do Your Thing, whatever that is, at your own pace.
Right now I am Doing My Thing, I am focusing on what I need to do, not on what other people are doing...I'm focused like a race horse...I'm like this dude:
Even if you march to the beat of your own drum, even if you seem like an odd duck...don't worry...DO YOUR THING.

Much love,